
대학원생일기(72)chatGPT로 논문 검색

이야기캐는광부 2023. 3. 16. 21:37


"정책홍보 리뷰논문을 검색해줘."


chatGPT로 논문 검색을 부탁했다.


과연 답변은 어땠을까.



추천해준 논문들이다. 영어 실력이 안되어 읽지는 못하겠다. 흑흑.


  1. "The Role of Public Relations in Local Government: An Empirical Analysis of Strategic Communication in Local Bond Elections" by Kenneth D. Plowman and Kenneth D. Plowman Jr. (2013)
  2. "The Strategic Management of Public Relations in Local Government: A Case Study of the City of Edinburgh Council" by Ian Somerville and Heather Yaxley (2014)
  3. "Exploring the Relationship between Public Relations and Public Policy: A Review of the Literature" by Staci M. Zavattaro (2014)
  4. "The Integration of Public Relations and Public Policy: A New Theoretical Framework" by Ansgar Zerfass and Ralph Tench (2016)
  5. "Policy Communication and Social Media: A Systematic Review" by Nathalie E. N. W. Raats, Anne M. K. W. Smink, and Joop van der Pligt (2019)

chatGPT도 제법 쓸만 한것 같다.


